
Showing posts from November, 2017

Moodboard of Single level or Endless Games


3 lessons I could learn from analysing the first level of Cuphead

1. A game doesn't have to be advanced for it to be fun Cuphead shows us that things like in-depth story lines and photo realistic graphs aren't all you need for making an entertaining game. Many games try to focus on the graphic of the game or to force an emotional response from a game's plot too much. Cuphead, on the other hand, have a very simple plot and (while the game is beautiful) it doesn't have realistic graphics. Despite this, it is still when of the most entertaining games on the market and it's because the developers put so much time into the gameplay. 2. Not everyone has to be able to finish the game Everyone who has ever played or seen someone play Cuphead will agree that it is a difficult game. This is something that is very unheard of when it comes to modern games. Instead, they want as many people to be able to complete the game so they can make more sales and provide the ability to increase the difficulty to satisfy the player base that want 

Cup Head Analysis

1. Actions: What do the characters do? Shot a variety of enemies Jump Dash Parry Collect Coins Revive fallen teammates Crouch Uses super moves Die 2. Rules: What are the rules? Do they change? The player loses a life when they touch an enemy or fall down a hole You can't go anywhere that is locked or obstructed by a barrier You can only shoot in 8 directions Players can jump on platforms You start with 3 lives and only have 1 life after being revived You gain momentary invisibility after being revived Can't shoot during the level selection area A makes you jump X makes you dash Left analog stick makes you move Right trigger shoots B is for you super move A + purple object makes you parry ↓ + A makes you drop down from a platform Some enemies can't be killed 3. Goals: What are the players trying to achieve? Reach the end of the level without losing all of their lives Kill every enemy in their path Collect coins Upgrade characters Colle