
Animated Characters



Running Punch


Crouch Idle

Crouch Run



Victory Cheer

Environment Art

Level 1

Level 2

Level 3

Relevant Sound Track

Level 1 Sound Track

Level 2 Soundtrack

Level 3 Soundtrack

Level 4 Soundtrack

Boss Fight Soundtrack

"Hit" Sound Effect

Props and Assets

The treasure chest were supposed to contain loot like addition weapons and ammo. The player would be able to walk up to the chest and open it by pressing "E". We managed to get the chest working and the animation played the player wanted it to. However, due to time limitations, we were unable to add the loot so the chest had to be deleted.
This dagger was going to be first weapon the player finds. It would grant them addition damage as the enemies increased in strength. However, because we were so focused on get other game assets and mechanics to work, we were unable to add this into the game.
The strongest weapon the player would have be able to use would have been this dynamite. Had we had time to implement it, it would have granted the player the ability to throw a powerful explosive at their enemies.

The poster was a collectible located in numerous locations around the game. The player would have been able to collect these by pressing "E" with their proximity. The more they collected, the higher score they would get at the end of the game. Unfortunately, due to a bizarre glitch, we were unable to make these work within the game.

The honey pots were one of the first things we got working in the game. There are three located around the game and when all three are collected, the player is awarded with an additional life.

The Pendulum is a fast moving trap the player has to avoid. If they fail to get passed it without touching the spikes, they lose one life. There are 2 located around the game and are positioned to take the player by surprise.
