Cup Head Analysis

1. Actions: What do the characters do?
  • Shot a variety of enemies
  • Jump
  • Dash
  • Parry
  • Collect Coins
  • Revive fallen teammates
  • Crouch
  • Uses super moves
  • Die
2. Rules: What are the rules? Do they change?
  • The player loses a life when they touch an enemy or fall down a hole
  • You can't go anywhere that is locked or obstructed by a barrier
  • You can only shoot in 8 directions
  • Players can jump on platforms
  • You start with 3 lives and only have 1 life after being revived
  • You gain momentary invisibility after being revived
  • Can't shoot during the level selection area
  • A makes you jump
  • X makes you dash
  • Left analog stick makes you move
  • Right trigger shoots
  • B is for you super move
  • A + purple object makes you parry
  • ↓ + A makes you drop down from a platform
  • Some enemies can't be killed
3. Goals: What are the players trying to achieve?
  • Reach the end of the level without losing all of their lives
  • Kill every enemy in their path
  • Collect coins
  • Upgrade characters
  • Collect souls
  • Beat high scores
  • Improve their performance in the game
4. Objects: Everything that isn't the player
  • Various different enemies with different attacks
  • Coins
  • Ground/platforms
  • multiple layered backgrounds
  • Houses
  • Trees
  • Grass
  • Finish line sign
  • Non-playable Characters (NPC) such as:
    • Firey Flowers
    • Parry Ghosts
    • Maddening Mushrooms
    • Toothy Terrors
    • Brothersome Blueberries
    • Elder Kettle
    • All the bosses and enemies
    • Porkrind
    • etc...
5. Play Space: The environment and virtual play space
  • The level map
  • 2D environment for the level
  • Top-down level selection
  • All unlocked areas
  • The room the players are in
  • Retro animation and music
  • Parallax for the background
  • Intense and hectic levels due to enemies, explosions and distractions.
6. Players: What kind of player has this game been designer for?
  • Team Ennui
  • People that like a challenge
  • YouTubers
  • Gamers
  • Journalists
